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Prodim: Canvas & Textile industry user experiences and references

INOXI - Germany

Thomas: “The Proliner is going to optimize our whole production process by saving us up to 14 hours per canvas!”

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Trimnet - United Kingdom

Mr. A. Hathaway and Mr. R.T. Voller: “Proliner templates will be more accurate, can be created much faster and are independent of the weather conditions (which is a necessity in the UK).”

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MC Marine - Australia

Marcelia Young, Business Manager at MC Marine: “We will certainly recommend Prodim to any prospective customers who would benefit significantly from the Proliner as much as we have.”

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Mad Beach Water Sports - United States

Recently, owner, Doug Wilson, decided to expand into boat decking and they invested in a Proliner 8 with the IPT add-on for measuring hard-to-reach points. They already have over 25 boats ready and waiting for them to measure, so the Proliner will be put to immediate use.

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Salter Covers - Spain

Salter Covers recently bought a Proliner 8CS upgraded with the canvas package, we asked him why he has chosen for the Proliner

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