K9 – Factory demonstrates how to digital template sewing patterns!
K9-Factory is a company from Moergestel, in the Netherlands, specialized in making all conceivable items for training and practicing dog sports for professional users as well as for anyone who is enthusiastic about dog training. They supply a full range of products such as collars, leashes, IPO/VDH material, KNPV suits, French suits, Mondioring suits, and civilian bite suits. Knowing about the many capabilities of the Proliner and the Prodim Factory software, Anton Verschoor told us a bit more:
“I may be the person who has known the Proliner for the most years. It is an amazing machine that is extremely versatile. You can use it for different projects and different industries and for all of them you get a perfect result and impress your customers positively! In our case, we managed to digital template a sewing pattern for an IPO VDH sleeve for dog training quickly and perfectly with the Proliner. Besides that, we were able to smoothly edit the digitalized files in the Prodim Factory software. It is really the complete solution if you want to modernize your business!”
Check here to see how to digital template sewing patterns: