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Okitop: “The Proliner was of considerable importance for detecting the curved shaping of the staircase and treads!”

Okitop, from Torre Annunziata, in Napoli, Italy, is a company that produces and markets worktops, tables, doors, kitchens, and furnishing accessories using raw materials such as quartz, stoneware, wood, and glass. The company, among the first to believe in the hi-tech materials sector, has invested a lot in research and development, gaining a deep knowledge of all the manufacturing and transformation processes. After they heard about the Proliner, they immediately decided to go for the Proliner Stone package and Francesco Bisogno tells more about his experiences:

“One of the projects we used the Proliner for was to digital template a staircase with a curved iron structure with 4 independent balconies. The Proliner, in the project, was of considerable importance for detecting the curved shaping of the staircase and treads, as can be seen from the attached graphs (see featured image); they have different shapes from one ramp to another.

Our experience with the Proliner has been fantastic, some special reliefs that used to take a long time to be templated before, are now extremely practical to be measured. The Proliner is a reliable and precise machine!”


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